devine, Delicate, delightful

devine, Delicate, delightful


Can't find what you are looking for?

Are you looking for a specific candle scent, colour or shape, or would you like to brand the candle differently? You have come to the right place!

We would love to assist in creating the candle your heart desires. Checkout our personalised candles or complete the the contact form below and our team will gladly assist and guide through the process. 

Are you looking for a specific candle scent, colour or shape, or would you like to brand the candle differently? You have come to the right place!

We would love to assist in creating the candle your heart desires. Checkout our personalised candles or complete the the contact form below and our team will gladly assist and guide through the process. 

Contact Us

Contact Us

Contact Number*
Company Name *
Tell us more about the candle(s) you desire!*
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